How to extend or define your own evaluators.


Evaluators are used within the specification to compose the query that will be executed. You can add your own evaluators to extend the behavior of the base Specification class.

Here is an example:

public class MyPartialEvaluator : IEvaluator
  private MyPartialEvaluator () { }
  public static MyPartialEvaluator Instance { get; } = new MyPartialEvaluator();

  public bool IsCriteriaEvaluator { get; } = true;

  public IQueryable<T> GetQuery<T>(IQueryable<T> query, ISpecification<T> specification) where T : class
    // Write your desired implementation

    return query;

public class MySpecificationEvaluator : SpecificationEvaluator
  public static MySpecificationEvaluator Instance { get; } = new MySpecificationEvaluator();

  private MySpecificationEvaluator() : base()

To use the evaluator, you would pass it into your repository implementation’s constructor:

public class Repository<T> : RepositoryBase<T>, IRepository<T> where T : class
  public Repository(AppDbContext dbContext) 
    : base(dbContext, MySpecificationEvaluator.Instance)

Of course you would also need to register the service in Program.cs:

builder.Services.AddScoped<ISpecificationEvaluator, MySpecificationEvaluator>();
